Do What You Desire — Succeed by Living Fearlessly

Ehren Muhammad
8 min readFeb 22, 2022

Why is Creativity Such an Important Element in Creating a Successful Business?

Photo by Chait Goli from Pexels

All I ever wanted to do was create. Inspired by comic books as a kid, I got to experience other worlds and lived through each hero’s adventures. The worlds I created could bind to my imagination then hopefully connect and inspire others to think differently. I never stopped thinking this way.

But at one point, I stopped creating. I stopped pursuing my passion because I put it into my head that a person where I was from couldn’t make a living creating stories, characters, and worlds. How would I get my mother and family a better life by writing and drawing? Maybe as an athlete or lawyer but not a writer. So I went to business school instead of art school. I decided I’ll study business then law and I can make a difference by becoming a corporate attorney.

But then something funny happened, I forgot about law school after my first year of college and I started a business while in college:

  • My first business in college was building Myspace pages for people. Yup, Myspace. This was my first taste of HTML and graphic design. Myspace was all the rage in 2005 but I knew this couldn’t last because the world was changing so fast. So when my friend and I started to promote nightclubs I was sure to go after every club, event planner, and lounge that I built a page for and bring them on as a client.
  • Within a year after I stopped building pages, almost everyone got out of the business because Myspace was losing popularity (users) and my former competitors invested in a platform that they didn’t control.
  • They were all afraid of becoming salesmen, so they focused on coding and staying behind the scenes. The only thing is every entrepreneur has been a salesperson at some point. The problem is the perception that most people have about sales. If you don’t know how to sleep your ideas, concepts, and solutions

Now I get paid to…wait for it…create platforms for small businesses and help them tell their stories.

Marketing is all about crafting a story and connecting with the right audience. Digital marketing requires just as much creative thinking as it does require analytical thinking and skill.

The key is not to limit yourself because something may be different or challenging. Here comes that fear thing again.

How to Find Purpose and Keep the Passion Alive in Life

Photo by Olya Kobruseva from Pexels

Finding purpose in life is a difficult task. But it can be achieved. In order to find meaning and purpose in life, we need to be able to tap into our deep passions, explore them and find the ways they can make us happy.

A 2010 study published in Applied Psychology found that individuals with high levels of eudemonic well-being — which involves having a sense of purpose along with a sense of control and a feeling like what you do is worthwhile — tend to live longer. There’s also research that links feeling as if you have a sense of purpose to positive health outcomes,

So the good news is, you don’t have to choose between having wealth and living a meaningful life. You might find the more purpose you have, the more money you’ll earn. It is important that we find our happiness in what we are passionate about and this will help us stay motivated and keep the passion alive. Tying your professional passion to a purpose, can be the fuel to keep your passion alive and make the most stressful work worthwhile.

5 Ways To Become A More Creative Person

Photo by OVAN from Pexels

We all have an ability, a talent, and everyone can learn how to be more creative. There are many ways to become a more creative person and connecting the dots between your creativity to making a living by doing what you desire.

Creativity is the key to success. It can help you in your personal life, your work and even in creative endeavors. But how do you become more creative? Here are five ways to increase your creativity.

  1. Stimulate Your Brain. Be open-minded: Have you ever heard that old saying “You can’t judge a book by its cover?” Well, it’s true! The world is full of surprises and when you’re open-minded, you’ll never know what might happen next.
  2. Get A Hobby, this could be your inspiration: What inspires you? Is it music? Is it art? Is it your favorite book or movies.
  3. Take Breaks give your mind some rest and relax.
  4. Explore Your City. Your city has more than you may know. Especially if you live in a larger metropolitan. Find your city’s historical museum as well as your local cultural center to expand your interest. Discover the things that make your city unique because you are part of your city, and you are a product of where you come from. So discover what makes your hometown and you different based on your own origin.
  5. Learn A New Skill. Never stop learning. The more you learn the more you expose yourself to new opportunities to build and succeed from pursuing your passions and desires. Take courses, become an apprentice, an internship, keep learning and challenging yourself.

Creativity is the process of generating new ideas by combining different things in new and original ways. It is the act of making something out of nothing. You don’t need to be an artist or a musician or a writer to be creative. You can be creative with numbers, science, and more. Creativity is for everyone.

Avoiding the Major Mistakes That Kill a Creative’s Passion and Desire

Photo by Cup of Couple from Pexels

The creative process is a difficult one, and it can be easy to get discouraged or even lose your passion when you’re trying to be creative.

There are many mistakes that people make when they’re trying to be creative, and the following are the five most common mistakes that kill a person’s passion and desire.

  • Not giving yourself enough time: If you don’t give yourself enough time to allow your creativity to flow, then it’s not likely that you’ll end up with anything truly original. Creativity needs time in order for it to work its magic, so try not to rush things if you want them to come out well.
  • Trying too hard: Some people think that they need more pressure in order for their creativity levels to rise, but this is actually counterproductive

What is Entrepreneurship and How to Forge Your Own Path?

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

Being an entrepreneur is the process of designing, launching and running a new business. It is not a linear path and can be achieved in many different ways. To forge your own path, you need to be clear about what you want and how to get there.

You need to know what you’re passionate about and what skills you have that will help you achieve your goals. It is not just about starting a company. It’s about the mindset and the journey that you take to get there to live from your passion.

And this is not the lifestyle meant for everyone, but it can be for you if you have what it takes. The journey of entrepreneurship can be long, hard and lonely at times, but it’s worth it in the end because there’s no feeling like being your own boss.

7 Signs You Have What It Takes To Be Successful In Business And Life

Photo by Adil Alimbetov from Pexels
  1. You are always willing to learn new things and take on new challenges. You have to be persistent.
  2. You are open to feedback, especially constructive criticism.
  3. You have a growth mindset and you know that there is always room for improvement.
  4. You have the ability to pivot when necessary. You are resilient, which means that you can bounce back from failure and disappointment without letting them get you down for too long, or at all!
  5. You know how to be adaptable in a fast changing environment.
  6. You can execute your plan well and stay committed to it until you reach your goal. You have a great work ethic and you never give up until the job is done or the task is completed.
  7. You know how to prioritize tasks and get them done without procrastination or distraction. Mastering prioritizing your time and energy can be the make or break factor to succeeding. This way your time will be spent on what’s most important to you, whether it’s your business or your family at specific points in life.

Keep Creating Like You Are Running Out of Time

Photo by THIS IS ZUN from Pexels

I knew this great aspiring actress. I met her while I was producing live Hip-Hop shows in Chicago and we needed a host. Her name was Jessica. She promoted this opportunity restlessly. Shared on social media, called people to attend, and helped to pass out flyers and posters all over the city. The show was in Albany Park and we went as far as Rosemont to promote it. If you know Chicago, then you know these areas are super far from one another.

She learned search and marketing analytics to grow her modeling brand online to secure more acting opportunities on her own, which she did appearing in several TV shows.

Over 5-years of knowing her, every project, every gig, every audition, she was NEVER late. Always prepared to do her own make-up, hair, had additional wardrobe, she was professional because as she explained to me, her goal was to make a living by producing art and entertaining. And she did all of this while living with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, commonly known as SLE or Lupus. My friend Jessica passed away 3-years ago, and everyday I think about how hard making a living from your dreams and passion can be, I think about how she literally made a living from her passion until the day she was no longer with us in this world.

I am closing with this because the truth is you can make living from doing what you desire and live a fulfilling life. You do not need to be a billionaire and you can still live comfortably from your art. You just have to go for it every day.

Got questions about growing your brand and marketing your business? Got some knowledge to drop? I devote my professional life to creating content that helps entrepreneurs reach their goals, so let’s connect on YouTube!

I’m Ehren Muhammad, The Brand Builder

Founder of EMPro, Ltd — Branding & Digital Marketing

Host of The Ambition Show podcast

Listen to the latest episode of the Ambition Show podcast:




Scott, PhD, E. (2020, March 17). Science-backed links between health and happiness. Verywell Mind. Retrieved February 22, 2022, from



Ehren Muhammad

💼 Entrepreneur 🎓 Student of Life 👔24/7 Gent learning & sharing as I go. I enjoy helping others accomplish their dreams, I’m a brand builder.